Warning : Inscription deadline April 11 2018 !
there are still a few places left
GATB-Core is a modern c++/11 library that natively provides high-performance and memory-efficient operations to handle Fasta/Fastq files, k-mers, bloom filters and de Bruijn graphs.
Learning GATB-Core API (Application Programming Interface) is the purpose of this programming day: to provide you with theoretical concepts and corresponding code snippets to design and write GATB tools.
Date & Location: April 18th, 2018 – Univ Jussieu, Paris, France
Language: English
Registration: This event is free but we request participants to register by filling in this very short form.
Program of the day
9:30 am – Welcome coffee
09:45 – 11:15 am
– A theoretical introduction to GATB: the basic concepts
– GATB-Core practical coding session 1: I/O operations on read files
11:15 am – Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 am
– The GATB de Bruijn graph API
12:30 – Lunch (at the discretion of the participants)
2:00-3:30 pm
– GATB-Core practical coding session 2: k-mer and graph APIs in action
– GATB-Core practical coding session 3: writing a short local assembly tool
3:30 pm – Coffee break
– pyGATB: the Python wrapper for GATB
– Q&A session: obtain answers from GATB experts
5:30 pm – end of the day
- some c++ programming skills are required; this is mostly to enable you to directly understand the GATB API
- your personal computer (the tutorial room does not provide any computer), with linux or MacOs system, with gatb-core installed (installation instructions will be sent to participants by email a few days before the training day).
- Genscale Team, Inria Rennes